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I'm with the Satya!

It's never too early for frikkin' insanity!!!

(Note: UPS has no relation to this page.)

Nathan says: "That's just wrong!"
(Note: Whoever owns Mastermind has no relation to this page.)

I get everywhere. Nathan (or tofu) with the Satya!!

By Matthew G.

By Nafees and Brian D.

Sigh. 2004 December.

April 2005. That's not a real email address.

As a South park character from . I made this myself. (May 2005)
Oh, and now we have an RSS feed. See top of page.

By Nafees, April 2007

By Brian D., December 2009

By Matthew G., July 2010 (original)

By Ben B., Nov 2019

By Uriah S., Nov 2019

(Most images by Brian D. or Brian C. unless otherwise noted.)
Satya quotes:
my shredder burps like a sarlac after eating boba fett
it's never too early for frikkin' insanity!
<topdog> that's a scary site
<topdog> literally
<topdog> i do believe satya has achieved premature insanity